
    2021-09-17 18:44:46           浏览数:0


  姓名:黄雪伟              硕/博导:硕士生导师

  学位:博士研究生       专业:预防兽医学

  政治面貌:中共党员    职称:副教授          



  (1) 2018-09至2021-06,东北农业大学,预防兽医学,博士

  (2) 2015-09至2018-06,东北农业大学,预防兽医学,硕士

  (3) 2011-09至2015-06,拉斯维加斯3499,动物医学专业,学士




  1. 山东省自然基金青年项目,LncRNA54795 通过调控鸡 Toll 样受体 3 信号通路抑制IBDV复制的机制研究(ZR2022QC116),在研,主持

  2. 山东省重点研发计划-重大科技创新工程,猪流行性腹泻、猪传染性胃肠炎活载体疫苗创制及工艺关键技术研究,在研,课题骨干

  3. 横向课题,蛋白表达及反向遗传平台建设,在研,课题骨干

  4. 横向课题,重点动物疫病研究和风险预警服务,在研,课题骨干

  5. “十二五”农村领域国家科技计划子课题,禽传染性法氏囊病毒感染与变异对宿主免疫应答影响及提高免疫措施研究,已结题,课题骨干

       共发表论文14篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文8篇,累计影响因子35;中文核心期刊论文1篇;目前担任Microbial Cell Factories SCI期刊审稿人。参编教材和著作2部。
[1] Huang X, Li Y, Li J, Jiang Y, Cui W, Zhou H, Tang L. The long noncoding RNA loc107053557 acts as a gga-miR-3530-5p sponge to suppress the replication of vvIBDV through regulating STAT1 expression. Virulence. 2024, 15(1):2333237.

[2] Huang X, Liu W. Role of microRNAs in host defense against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection: a hidden front line. Front Immunol. 2024, 25;15:1376958.

[3] Liu W, Huang X. Very virulent infectious bursal disease virus infection triggered microscopic changes, apoptosis, and inflammatory cytokines imbalance in chicken spleen and thymus. Avian Pathol. 2024, 15:1-14.

[4] Huang X, Xu Y, Lin Q, Guo W, Zhao D, Wang C, Wang L, Zhou H, Jiang Y, Cui W, Qiao X, Li Y, Ma G, Tang L. Determination of antiviral action of long non-coding RNA loc107051710 during infectious bursal disease virus infection due to enhancement of interferon production. Virulence. 2020, 11(1):68-79.

[5] Huang X, Zhang J, Liu Z, Wang M, Fan X, Wang L, Zhou H, Jiang Y, Cui W, Qiao X, Xu Y, Li Y, Tang L. Genome-wide analysis of differentially expressed mRNAs, lncRNAs, and circRNAs in chicken bursae of Fabricius during infection with very virulent infectious bursal disease virus. BMC Genomics. 2020, 19;21(1):724.

[6] Huang X, Liu W, Zhang J, Liu Z, Wang M, Wang L, Zhou H, Jiang Y, Cui W, Qiao X, Xu Y, Li Y, Tang L. Very virulent infectious bursal disease virus-induced immune injury is involved in inflammation, apoptosis, and inflammatory cytokines imbalance in the bursa of fabricius. Dev Comp Immunol. 2021, 114:103839.

[7] Huang X, Li Y, Wang X, Zhang J, Wang L, Zhou H, Jiang Y, Cui W, Qiao X, Li Y, Tang L. Genome-wide identification of chicken bursae of Fabricius miRNAs in response to very virulent infectious bursal disease virus. Arch Virol. 2022, 167(9):1855-1864.

[8] Huang X, Ma S, Wang L, Zhou H, Jiang Y, Cui W, Qiao X, Xu Y, Li Y, Tang L. Lactobacillus johnsonii-activated chicken bone marrow-derived dendritic cells exhibit maturation and increased expression of cytokines and chemokines in vitro. Cytokine. 2020, 36:155269.

